Average cost of utilities in Georgia

Utility bills are a necessary expense that every homeowner or renter in Georgia must pay in order to enjoy modern conveniences such as electricity, gas, water, and trash disposal services. The cost of utilities can vary significantly depending on factors such as the size of the residence, the number of people living there, and the region of Georgia in which they reside. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the average cost of utilities in Georgia, using a variety of transition words to guide you through the information.

There are several factors that impact the average cost of utilities in Georgia. Firstly, it is important to note that the cost of utilities can vary depending on the location and size of the property.

Additionally, the type of utilities used, such as electricity, water, and gas, can also affect the cost. According to recent estimates, the average cost of utilities in Georgia is expected to increase by approximately 4% in 2023 compared to the previous year. To put this into perspective, the average cost of utilities in 2022 was around $370 per month, while in 2023, it is expected to rise to approximately $400 per month. Therefore, it is important for Georgians to be mindful of their energy usage and consider implementing energy-saving strategies to reduce the impact on their monthly bills.

Average electric bill in Georgia

In terms of the average electric bill in Georgia, there has been a significant upward trend over the past few years. According to recent projections, the average electric bill in the state is expected to reach $156 per month in 2023, which represents a considerable increase from the 2019 average of $129 per month. In fact, the average electric bill in Georgia has been steadily increasing year over year since 2015.

While the average electric bill in Georgia may be higher than it was several years ago, there are still many measures that homeowners can take to reduce their energy consumption and keep costs under control. For example, implementing energy-efficient lighting and appliances can help homeowners save money on their monthly utility bills while also reducing their carbon footprint.

Average gas bill in Georgia

In analyzing the average gas bill in Georgia, it can be observed that there has been a gradual increase in costs over the years. Specifically, as of 2023, the average gas bill in Georgia is $150 per month. This represents a significant jump from the previous year’s average of $135.

Furthermore, the increase in gas prices has been occurring steadily over the past five years, with a monthly bill of $115 in 2018 and $125 in 2019. Overall, it is evident that the cost of gas in Georgia has been on a consistent upward trend, which may be a cause for concern for residents.

Average water bill in Georgia

In Georgia, the average water bill has seen some gradual changes over the years. In 2023, the estimated average water bill is predicted to be $52.34 per month. However, looking back to the previous years, we can see that the price has gradually increased from $42.68 in 2018 to $48.16 in 2020.

Despite this increase, it is important to note that this rise is not significant enough to cause any major disruption to individuals’ finances. Overall, with a yearly increase of just under $3, Georgia’s average water bill remains manageable for most households.

Average sewage bill in Georgia

The average sewage bill in Georgia has been steadily increasing over the years. In 2018, the average sewage bill was $50 per month. However, this number increased to $55 per month in 2020. Looking ahead to 2023, it is projected that the average sewage bill in Georgia will reach $60 per month. Overall, it is clear that the cost of sewage is only going up, and therefore residents should be prepared for these changes.

Comparison with other states

Georgia’s utility costs are comparable to other states in the US, but there are notable differences. According to recent data, the average monthly electricity bill in Georgia is $126.48, which is higher than the national average of $117.65. In comparison, neighboring states like Alabama and South Carolina have lower average monthly electricity bills ($121.83 and $121.62, respectively).

However, Georgia’s gas prices are somewhat cheaper than the national average, with an average price per therm of $0.424, while the national average is $0.506. Additionally, when it comes to water bills, Georgia is on par with the national average of $63.37 per month. Overall, while Georgia’s energy costs are slightly higher than its neighboring states, it still remains a relatively affordable state to live in.

Factors affecting utility costs

There are several factors that come into play when it comes to the cost of utilities in Georgia. Firstly, the climate is a major factor. Summers in Georgia can be extremely hot and humid, which results in increased energy consumption due to air conditioning usage. Additionally, infrastructure plays a role, as the quality and age of a home’s insulation, windows, and appliances can greatly impact energy efficiency. Finally, government regulations also affect utility costs, with factors such as taxes and tariffs contributing to the overall cost of utilities. Therefore, it is important to take these factors into consideration when understanding and managing utility costs in Georgia.

How to reduce utility costs?

Firstly, it is important to identify which utilities consume the most energy and prioritize them accordingly. Secondly, installing energy-efficient appliances and LED lightbulbs can significantly bring down costs. Additionally, sealing air leaks and upgrading insulation can help prevent energy loss. Moreover, adjusting the thermostat a few degrees lower during the winter and a few degrees higher during the summer can also reduce energy consumption. Finally, opting for time-of-use pricing plans and using smart home devices to monitor energy usage can help you further reduce utility costs.

Trends and predictions

In the utility industry in Georgia, several trends have emerged in recent years, including the growing adoption of renewable energy sources and the implementation of smart grid technologies. Looking ahead, it is predicted that utility costs in the state may increase as demand for power continues to rise, especially during peak usage periods. However, advancements in energy storage and distributed energy resources are also expected to play a significant role in shaping the future of the utility industry, potentially leading to more stable and affordable energy costs for consumers in the long run.


Q: What is the average cost of utilities in Georgia in 2023?
A: According to the latest data, the average cost of utilities in Georgia for a one-bedroom apartment is approximately $300 per month, while a two-bedroom apartment costs around $420 per month.

Q: What utilities are included in this average cost?
A: The average cost of utilities in Georgia includes electricity, gas, water, and sewage.

Q: How does the cost of utilities in Georgia compare to other states?
A: The cost of utilities in Georgia is generally lower than the national average, but this can vary depending on specific locations within the state.

Q: Are there any factors that affect the cost of utilities in Georgia?
A: Yes, there are several factors that can affect the cost of utilities in Georgia, including the size and age of the residence, the season, and the location.

Q: Can I lower my utility bill in Georgia?
A: Yes, there are a few ways you can lower your utility bill in Georgia, such as reducing your overall energy consumption, investing in energy-efficient appliances, and checking for any leaks or drafts in your home.

Q: How often do utility rates in Georgia change?
A: Utility rates in Georgia can change regularly based on various economic and political factors.

Q: Is there any government assistance available to help with utility bills in Georgia?
A: Yes, there are several government assistance programs available in Georgia to help low-income families with their utility bills, such as the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP).

Author – Stan Huxley

Passionate about real estate, Stan Huxley brings a wealth of experience to our articles. With a lifelong career in the industry, Stan’s insights, tips, and expert advice empower readers to navigate the world of real estate confidently. Whether you’re a homebuyer, seller, or investor, Stan is your trusted guide to making informed decisions.

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