Average cost of utilities in Hawaii

Hawaii, a tropical paradise renowned for its stunning beaches and vibrant culture attracts millions of visitors each year. However, with its unique geographical location and climate, the cost of living in Hawaii can be significantly higher than in other states. One of the significant expenses for residents and visitors alike is the cost of utilities. Utilities in Hawaii refer to essential services like electricity, water, and gas that are necessary for everyday living. In this article, we will guide you through the average cost of utilities in Hawaii and help you better understand the expenses that come with everyday living in the Aloha State.

Firstly, in order to understand the average cost of utilities in Hawaii, it is important to consider a few key factors. For instance, the type of dwelling (house, apartment, etc.), the location, and the size of the living space all play a role in determining the monthly cost.

Additionally, the time of year can also impact utility costs, as usage tends to increase during the warmer months. As for 2023, the average cost of utilities is projected to be $700 per month, which is approximately a 3% increase from the previous year. Despite this slight rise, it is still important for residents to be mindful of their energy usage and take steps to conserve in order to keep costs as low as possible.

Average electric bill in Hawaii

In terms of the average electric bill in Hawaii, there has been a steady increase over the years. According to recent projections, the average electric bill in Hawaii is expected to reach $250/month in 2023, which is a significant increase from the $225/month in 2022. This trend has been consistent in the past few years, with a 5% increase in 2021 from the previous year’s $215/month.

Additionally, there has been a cumulative increase of nearly 18% in the past five years alone, signaling a need for more sustainable and cost-effective solutions when it comes to energy consumption in Hawaii. As a result, it will be imperative for policymakers to prioritize renewable energy options and other initiatives that can help offset these increasing costs.

Average gas bill in Hawaii

In terms of the average gas bill in Hawaii, there has been a considerable rise over the past few years. In 2023, the expected average gas bill for households in Hawaii is $150 per month. This presents a stark increase from the previous year’s average bill of $135 per month. Moreover, compared to 2019 figures, the current average gas bill is significantly high as households were paying a mere $120 per month. Meanwhile, over this timeline, it is notable that the state of Hawaii experienced a steady increase in energy consumption and a spike in the price of natural gas.

Average water bill in Hawaii

Over the years, the average water bill in Hawaii has seen its fair share of changes. In 2023, the average water bill in Hawaii is projected to be $140, up by $20 from the previous year. Despite this slight increase, it is still significantly lower compared to its peak of $180 in 2017.

However, there has been a consistent rise in the water rates in Hawaii, as in 2018, the average water bill was $120, which means that the rates have gone up by $20 over the past six years. Nonetheless, it’s expected that the government will come up with new policies to improve water conservation, which could decrease the water bills of Hawaii residents in the future.

Average sewage bill in Hawaii

In terms of the average sewage bill in Hawaii, there has been a noticeable increase over the past few years. Specifically, in 2023, the average sewage bill is expected to be $150 per month. This is a significant increase from the average bill of $120 per month just five years ago in 2018. Furthermore, between 2018 and 2023, there has been a steady rise in costs, with the average bill in 2019 being $125 per month and $135 per month in 2020. Looking ahead, it is uncertain if this trend will continue or if there will be efforts to offset the rising costs. Regardless, it is important for Hawaii residents to be mindful of their monthly sewage bills and budget accordingly.

Comparison with other states

Hawaii has some unique features that set it apart from other states, but when it comes to utility costs, it shares some similarities with other states. When compared to California, Hawaii’s electricity rates are higher on average, though both states have been working to transition to more renewable energy sources. On the other hand, when compared to states like Texas or Virginia, Hawaii’s utility costs are significantly higher due to its isolation and higher costs of importing fuel. Despite these differences, all states face challenges in balancing the need for affordable and reliable energy with the push toward cleaner energy sources.

Factors affecting utility costs

There are several factors affecting utility costs in Hawaii, which have a significant impact on households and businesses alike. Firstly, the climate in Hawaii plays a key role in determining energy usage and costs. With its hot and humid climate, residents often rely heavily on cooling systems, driving up electricity usage and bills. Secondly, the state’s infrastructure also affects utility costs, with older buildings lacking energy-efficient features and new buildings requiring high initial investments to incorporate green technology. Finally, government regulations also play a vital role in utility costs, with regulators setting prices and standards for utilities. As such, it is essential for residents to stay informed about these factors and make conscious decisions to save on utility costs whenever possible.

How to reduce utility costs?

First, consider upgrading to energy-efficient appliances and lighting. By doing so, you can significantly reduce your energy consumption and ultimately lower your utility bills. Secondly, make sure to regularly maintain your heating and cooling systems. A well-maintained system will work more efficiently and cut costs. Additionally, adjust your thermostat to an appropriate temperature during different seasons to minimize energy usage. Also, consider installing programmable thermostats that automatically adjust temperatures based on your schedule. Finally, it’s essential to be mindful of your water usage by fixing leaks and installing low-flow showerheads and toilets. By incorporating these practical tips, you can effectively reduce your utility costs in Hawaii.

Trends and predictions

Firstly, it is important to analyze the current trends in the utility industry in Hawaii. For instance, there is an increasing demand for renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power. Additionally, there has been a shift towards energy conservation and efficiency programs to reduce overall costs. However, despite these efforts, utility costs are projected to rise in the coming years. According to experts, this increase is in part due to the necessary maintenance and upgrades required for aging infrastructure. Furthermore, as the population and demand for electricity continue to grow, the need for increased energy production and distribution will increase costs. Therefore, it is critical for the utility industry to continue to adapt and innovate to balance these trends and predictions to provide reliable and affordable energy for consumers in Hawaii.


Q: What is the average cost of utilities in Hawaii in 2023?
A: According to the latest data, the average cost of utilities in Hawaii for a household of four people in 2023 is around $700 per month. This includes electricity, gas, water, and waste.

Q: How does the cost of utilities in Hawaii compare to the national average?
A: The cost of utilities in Hawaii is higher than the national average. The national average is around $270 per month for a household of four people.

Q: What factors contribute to the higher cost of utilities in Hawaii?
A: Hawaii’s geographic location and dependency on imported resources contribute to the higher cost of utilities. The state’s isolated location in the Pacific Ocean makes it more expensive to transport and distribute resources such as fuel, electricity and water.

Q: Is it possible to reduce your utility bills in Hawaii?
A: Yes, it is possible to reduce your utility bills in Hawaii by taking energy-saving measures such as installing energy-efficient appliances, reducing water usage, and turning off lights and electronics when not in use. The Hawaii Energy program offers rebates and incentives for homeowners who take energy-saving measures.

Q: Are there any government programs or initiatives to help lower utility costs in Hawaii?
A: Yes, there are government programs and initiatives aimed at reducing electricity costs in Hawaii. One such initiative is the Hawaii Green Energy Market Securitization program, which offers low-interest financing for solar panels and energy-efficient upgrades to homes and businesses.

Q: What can I do if I cannot afford my utility bills in Hawaii?
A: If you are struggling to pay your utility bills in Hawaii, you may be eligible for assistance programs such as the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) or the Hawaii Energy Assistance Program (HEAP). Contact your utility company or the Hawaii Department of Human Services for more information.


The Hawaii Public Utilities Commission: https://puc.hawaii.gov/

Author – Stan Huxley

Passionate about real estate, Stan Huxley brings a wealth of experience to our articles. With a lifelong career in the industry, Stan’s insights, tips, and expert advice empower readers to navigate the world of real estate confidently. Whether you’re a homebuyer, seller, or investor, Stan is your trusted guide to making informed decisions.

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