Average cost of utilities in New Hampshire

Utilities are an essential part of our daily lives, and they ensure that we have access to basic necessities such as water, gas, electricity, and phone services. They play a vital role in maintaining the quality of our lives, but they come at a cost. The average cost of utilities in New Hampshire can be overwhelming, and it is crucial to understand the expenses that come along with it. In this article, we will explore the different utilities that residents of New Hampshire pay for and provide valuable insights into the average costs associated with each utility. So, let’s dive into the details and understand the expenses of utilities in the Granite State.

To begin with, it’s important to note that the average cost of utilities in New Hampshire is directly impacted by factors such as energy consumption and regional pricing trends.

Looking ahead to 2023, the average cost of utilities is projected to be $350 per month, which is slightly higher than the average for previous years. Specifically, in 2022, the average cost of utilities was around $170 per month, indicating a modest increase for the following year. Additionally, it’s worth noting that seasonal variations can also impact the average cost of utilities in New Hampshire, with peak energy usage during the winter months tending to increase bills. Overall, it’s important for residents of New Hampshire to stay informed about shifts in energy consumption and pricing trends in order to budget accordingly for utilities.

Average electric bill in New Hampshire

In terms of the average electric bill in New Hampshire, it is expected to increase in the upcoming years due to various factors. According to the latest predictions, by the year 2023, the average electric bill in New Hampshire would reach around $130 per month.

This shows a significant rise from the average electric bill of $115 per month in 2021. This increase can be attributed to the ever-changing energy policies and the rise in demand for electricity. Moreover, the use of increasingly advanced technologies and the high cost involved in the maintenance of power grids has also contributed to the increase. Overall, these factors have led to a steady increase in the average electric bill in New Hampshire, which calls for tackling the issue with sustainable and cost-effective solutions.

Average gas bill in New Hampshire

In terms of the average gas bill in New Hampshire, there have been some fluctuations over the years. In 2023, the estimated average gas bill for households in the state is projected to be around $127. This represents a significant increase from the previous year, where the average gas bill was $115. However, when compared to five years ago in 2018, the average gas bill was only $101. Clearly, there have been some ups and downs in the average gas bill over time, reflecting changes in the energy market and other factors. Nonetheless, it’s important for residents of New Hampshire to be aware of these trends and understand how they might impact their household budgets going forward.

Average water bill in New Hampshire

The average water bill in New Hampshire has been fluctuating in recent years. In 2019, it stood at $250 per year, increasing by almost 10% in 2020 to $274 per year. However, in 2021, due to some cost-cutting measures, the water bill reduced by 5% to $260 per year. Looking ahead to 2023, the water bill is expected to rise again, with estimates suggesting that it could reach up to $300 per year . This will likely cause some concern amongst residents who will have to factor this rise into their monthly budget.

Average sewage bill in New Hampshire

In terms of average sewage bill in New Hampshire, there has been a notable increase in recent years. According to the latest figures, the average sewage bill for 2023 is projected to be $70 per month. This marks a significant jump from the 2019 average of $55 per month, and the 2021 average of $60 per month. There are various factors contributing to this increase, including aging infrastructure, rising maintenance costs, and a growing population. Despite efforts to improve efficiency and cost-effectiveness, it seems likely that New Hampshire residents can expect to see continued growth in their sewage bills in the coming years.

Comparison with other states

When comparing utility costs with other states, it is important to consider various factors. Firstly, New Hampshire’s electricity rates rank higher than the national average, with an average monthly cost of $127.24. In comparison to neighboring states, Maine and Vermont have a slightly lower average cost of $123.52 and $118.83, respectively. However, New Hampshire’s gas prices are relatively lower than the national average, with an average monthly cost of $58.08. This is significantly lower than the average cost in Massachusetts, which is$76.16. Overall, while New Hampshire’s electricity rates are slightly higher than neighboring states, it has relatively lower gas prices, showcasing a combination of both similarities and differences compared to other states in the US.

Factors affecting utility costs

There are several factors that can impact utility costs in New Hampshire. Firstly, the climate can play a significant role in determining the cost of utilities, particularly heating and cooling expenses. In addition to that, the infrastructure of the state’s utilities, such as power lines and water systems, can impact cost as well. Government regulations regarding energy sources and emission standards can also affect utility pricing. Ultimately, there are numerous elements at play that contribute to the costs of utilities in New Hampshire, making it important for residents to stay informed about potential changes and stay mindful of their energy and water usage.

How to reduce utility costs?

Firstly, it’s important to identify areas where electricity or water consumption can be reduced. Secondly, ensuring that all appliances are energy-efficient is a critical step in lowering utility bills. Additionally, using natural light instead of artificial light during the day and turning off unused lights and electronics when not in use can provide significant savings. Additionally, using low-flow showerheads and faucets and repairing any leaks in the plumbing can save water consumption and lower bills. Finally, reevaluating the insulation and sealing of windows and doors can reduce the need for heating or cooling and ultimately lower utility costs in the long run. By implementing these simple yet effective strategies, New Hampshire residents can significantly reduce their utility costs.

Trends and predictions

In terms of current trends, the utility industry in New Hampshire has been moving towards renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power, to decrease reliance on fossil fuels. Additionally, there has been a focus on energy efficiency through programs like home weatherization. Looking towards the future, predictions suggest that utility costs may continue to rise as infrastructure and technology improvements are needed to support these developments. However, with continued investment in renewable energy, it is also possible that prices could stabilize or even decrease over time. Ultimately, it will be important to monitor and adapt to the ever-changing landscape of the utility industry.


Q: What are the average utility costs in New Hampshire in 2023?
A: According to recent data from the US Energy Information Administration, the average monthly cost of electricity in New Hampshire is $140.62.

Q: What is the average monthly cost of gas in New Hampshire in 2023?
A: The average monthly cost of natural gas in New Hampshire is $68.27, according to data from the US Energy Information Administration.

Q: What are the average water and sewage costs in New Hampshire in 2023?
A: According to the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services, the average water and sewer charges for a single-family residence in the state were $928 per year, or $77.33 per month, in 2023.

Q: Are there any variations in utility costs within the state of New Hampshire?
A: Yes, utility costs can vary depending on the region or town in New Hampshire. For example, residents in Manchester and Nashua may pay higher water and sewer rates than those in more rural regions.

Q: How do New Hampshire’s utility costs compare to other states in the US?
A: According to data from the US Energy Information Administration, New Hampshire’s electricity costs are slightly higher than the national average, while its natural gas and water and sewer costs are lower. However, these comparisons can vary significantly depending on the specific region or state being compared.


The U.S. Energy Information Administration publishes data on average residential energy prices by state, including New Hampshire: https://www.eia.gov/electricity/state/new_hampshire/

Author – Stan Huxley

Passionate about real estate, Stan Huxley brings a wealth of experience to our articles. With a lifelong career in the industry, Stan’s insights, tips, and expert advice empower readers to navigate the world of real estate confidently. Whether you’re a homebuyer, seller, or investor, Stan is your trusted guide to making informed decisions.

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