Average cost of utilities in New Mexico

Utility costs are one of the most significant expenses for homeowners and renters alike. These costs can vary, depending on numerous factors, such as geographic location, housing size, and usage patterns. In New Mexico, utility expenses make a considerable chunk of households’ monthly budget. Whether it’s heating, cooling, or powering homes, utility bills are often unavoidable. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the average cost of utilities in New Mexico and explore the factors that impact these expenses. We’ll also discuss some tips that can help you save money on your utility bills.

The average cost of utilities in New Mexico is a significant concern for many residents. Firstly, the cost of electricity, gas, and water have been steadily increasing over the years due to the growing demand and energy consumption.

Additionally, with the unpredictable weather conditions in the state, it is essential to maintain a comfortable living environment year-round. According to recent reports, the average cost of utilities in New Mexico is projected to be $350 by 2023. This increase is significantly higher than previous years and emphasizes the need for efficient and sustainable energy consumption practices. In comparison, the average monthly cost in 2021 was $175, and in 2020 it was $150. With this upward trend, it is crucial that residents take proactive measures to reduce their energy consumption and minimize their utility costs.

Average electric bill in New Mexico

The average electric bill in New Mexico has steadily increased over the years. In 2018, the average amount paid for electricity was $105.32 per month. However, this increased to $116.78 in 2020 due to various factors such as the rise in energy costs and higher consumption rates. Looking ahead, it is estimated that in 2023, the average electric bill in New Mexico will be $125.79, representing a considerable increase from the previous years. In summary, transition words such as “however,” “looking ahead,” and “in summary” are useful in conveying the changes in the average electric bill in New Mexico over recent years.

Average gas bill in New Mexico

In terms of energy consumption expenses, the average gas bill in New Mexico has been on a steady rise over the past few years. According to forecasted data, by 2023, the average gas bill for households in New Mexico will be approximately $90, which is a considerable increase from the $75 monthly average back in 2018. Furthermore, the predicted escalation of nearly 20% has brought many policymakers to re-evaluate energy efficiency programs and incentivize homeowners to explore alternative energy sources to help mitigate future gas bills. Regardless, the upward trend in gas expenses evidently compels the state into action for effective and sustainable energy management.

Average water bill in New Mexico

In terms of average water bill in New Mexico, there have been significant changes in recent years. In 2023, the average water bill is projected to be $68 per month. This is a substantial increase from the 2018 average of $46 per month. Additionally, the 2023 figure represents a 15% jump from the 2021 average of $59 per month. Despite these increases, it is important to note that the state has implemented programs aimed at reducing water usage, which could help to lower bills in the long run. Nonetheless, these changes indicate the need for residents to be mindful of their water usage and budget accordingly.

Average sewage bill in New Mexico

In 2023, the average sewage bill in New Mexico is expected to increase by 10%. This rise is the result of rising costs of sewage treatment and maintenance, and the growing demand for expansion of sewage systems to meet the needs of the ever-growing population. Over the past decade, there has been a steady increase in the state’s sewage bill, with a 5% rise in 2019, and an 8% increase in 2021. Despite these hikes, New Mexico’s sewage bill still remains relatively low compared to neighbouring states such as Arizona and Colorado. In conclusion, New Mexico residents can expect to pay slightly more for sewage services in coming years, but it remains competitive and affordable in the region.

Comparison with other states

Unlike other states, New Mexico’s utility costs are relatively lower. However, when compared to Oregon and Washington, New Mexico’s power rates are higher. Similarly, while New York has the highest electric rates nationally, their cost of natural gas is lower than that of New Mexico. In addition, while Texas experiences a frequent electrical blackout, New Mexico’s power grid is more stable. Overall, it appears that while New Mexico may have higher utility costs compared to some states, it also offers some benefits such as stable electricity.

Factors affecting utility costs

There are several factors that play a crucial role in determining utility costs in New Mexico. Firstly, the climate in the region can significantly affect the utility costs as extreme temperatures often require more energy for heating and cooling purposes. Secondly, the availability and quality of infrastructure play an important role in determining the costs of utilities as outdated or inadequate infrastructure can lead to higher maintenance and repair costs. Lastly, government regulations also impact the utility costs, especially in the case of utilities sourced from non-renewable sources that may be taxed differently than those from renewable sources. These interrelated factors must be taken into consideration to adequately understand how they impact the cost of utilities in New Mexico.

How to reduce utility costs?

Firstly, it is important to identify which utilities are taking up the most expenses. Secondly, replacing old appliances with energy-efficient ones can significantly reduce electricity costs. Additionally, using natural lighting and turning off electronics when not in use can help save on electricity. Thirdly, investing in insulation and weather-stripping can lower heating costs. Furthermore, water heating can account for a large portion of utility bills. Using low-flow showerheads, fixing leaks, and reducing hot water usage can lead to significant savings. Finally, considering alternative energy options such as solar panels can greatly reduce utility costs in the long run.

Trends and predictions

Firstly, it is important to acknowledge the current trends that are shaping the utility industry in New Mexico. Specifically, the state has been investing heavily in renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power. This is in response to increasing concerns about the environment and a desire to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Secondly, as we look towards the future, there are several predictions regarding how utility costs might change in the coming years. For example, as renewable energy becomes more prevalent, it is likely that we will see a decline in the cost of utility bills. Additionally, the introduction of new technology, such as smart grids and meters, could also contribute to lower costs for consumers. However, it is important to note that there are still many unknown factors that could impact utility costs in the future, such as policy changes and economic conditions.


Q: What are the average utility costs in New Mexico in 2023?
A: According to the latest data, the average utility cost in New Mexico in 2023 is $350 per month.

Q: What is included in utility costs?
A: Utility costs typically include electricity, gas, water, sewer, and trash services.

Q: How do utility costs in New Mexico compare to other states?
A: New Mexico has relatively low utility costs compared to other states, with an average cost of $182.50 per month, compared to the national average of $220.00 per month.

Q: Do utility costs vary by city in New Mexico?
A: Yes, utility costs can vary by city in New Mexico. For example, Albuquerque has an average utility cost of $181.80 per month, while Santa Fe has an average utility cost of $186.50 per month.

Q: Are utility costs rising in New Mexico?
A: According to the latest data, utility costs in New Mexico have increased slightly over the past few years, but remain relatively stable overall.

Q: How can I lower my utility costs in New Mexico?
A: There are several ways to lower your utility costs in New Mexico, such as using energy-efficient appliances, reducing water usage, and turning off lights and electronics when not in use. Many utility companies also offer programs and incentives to help customers save money on their bills.

Author – Stan Huxley

Passionate about real estate, Stan Huxley brings a wealth of experience to our articles. With a lifelong career in the industry, Stan’s insights, tips, and expert advice empower readers to navigate the world of real estate confidently. Whether you’re a homebuyer, seller, or investor, Stan is your trusted guide to making informed decisions.

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