Average cost of utilities in Wisconsin (March 2025)

Wondering how much you’ll spend on utilities in Wisconsin? In 2025, the average utility cost for a family of three living in a single-family home is $553.96. Wisconsin’s climate—characterized by cold winters and warm summers—plays a significant role in determining household utility expenses. This guide provides a detailed breakdown of electricity, gas, and other essential costs, helping you budget effectively.

Average Electric Bill in Wisconsin

Electricity is a major monthly expense for homeowners, and its cost fluctuates based on seasonal demand. In 2025, the average electric bill for a family of three in a single-family home is $174.49. Wisconsin’s winters drive up heating costs, while summer air conditioning usage significantly impacts electricity bills.

To provide a clearer picture, here’s a seasonal breakdown of electricity usage:

  • Winter: Higher consumption due to heating systems, refrigerators, dryers, and washers ($209.83).
  • Summer: Increased costs driven by air conditioning, refrigerators, dryers, and washers ($139.15).

Energy Cost Comparison: Wisconsin vs. Michigan

How does Wisconsin compare to neighboring states? The table below shows a side-by-side comparison of electricity costs for a large single-family home with four residents in Wisconsin and Michigan during the summer. This analysis highlights differences in energy pricing and consumption patterns.

Total Consumption (kWh)862.12 kWh
Electricity Rate (cents/kWh)17.24 ¢/kWh19.27 ¢/kWh
Estimated Monthly Cost$148.63$166.13
Detailed Cost Breakdown
Base Usage: 412.12 kWh $71.05 $79.42
Refrigerator: 120 kWh$20.69$23.12
Air Conditioner: 240 kWh$41.38$46.25
Clothes Dryer: 90 kWh$15.52$17.34
Wisconsin estimated monthly cost is lower than Michigan by 10.53%.

Historical Trends in Electricity Prices

The chart above tracks historical electricity price trends for large single-family homes in Wisconsin during the summer months. Monitoring these trends can help predict future energy costs and encourage smarter energy consumption strategies.

Electricity Cost Comparison Across Various States

Here is a comprehensive comparison of electricity costs across different states, considering various household types and seasons. This table offers a broad perspective on utility expenses.

State People Household Type Season Appliances Electric Monthly Bill
New York 3 One-bedroom apartment Summer Fridge, AC, Dryer


California 4 Single-family large Winter Heater, Dryer, Fridge


Texas 3 Townhouse Winter Heater, Dryer, Fridge


Florida 3 Single-family small Summer Fridge, AC, Washer


Illinois 4 Two-bedroom apartment Summer Fridge, AC, Washer


Georgia 2 Studio Winter Heater, Fridge


Wisconsin 2 Townhouse Summer Fridge, AC, Washer


For a more detailed and personalized utility expense estimate, explore our Electricity Bill Calculator. Adjust the parameters to match your household specifics and get an accurate estimate tailored to your needs.

Average Gas Bill in Wisconsin

Gas expenses play a crucial role in household budgeting, particularly in states like Wisconsin where seasonal temperature swings impact energy consumption. In 2025, the average gas bill for a family of three living in a single-family home is $128.15. Given the state’s cold winters and moderate summers, heating and cooking needs significantly affect gas usage.

Here’s a closer look at how gas consumption changes by season:

  • Winter: Increased gas usage for heating systems, water heaters, stoves, and ovens ($187.71).
  • Summer: Lower gas consumption, mainly from grills, water heaters, stoves, and ovens ($68.58).

Wisconsin vs. Minnesota: A Summer Gas Usage Comparison

How does Wisconsin compare to its northern neighbor? The table below highlights gas expenses for a large single-family home with four residents in Wisconsin and Minnesota during the summer. This comparison helps illustrate differences in gas pricing and usage habits.

Gas Bill Comparison Overview

Criteria Wisconsin Minnesota Avg. USA
Total Consumption (MCF) 6.99 MCF
Gas Rate ($/MCF) $11.72 $12.91 $17.73
Estimated Monthly Cost $81.94 $90.27 $123.97
Appliance Cost Breakdown
Outdoor Grill $6.47 $7.13 $9.79
Water Heater $47.44 $52.26 $71.77
Gas Stove $10.78 $11.88 $16.31
Gas Oven $17.25 $19.00 $26.10
Wisconsin's estimated monthly cost is lower than Minnesota by 9.23%.
Wisconsin's estimated monthly cost is lower than the Avg. USA by 33.90%.

Climate conditions and household setups in Wisconsin and Minnesota contribute to variations in gas costs. This comparison offers valuable insights for homeowners looking to optimize energy efficiency.

The chart above tracks historical gas price trends for large single-family homes in Wisconsin during the summer months. Monitoring these trends can help anticipate future gas costs and improve household energy management.

Gas Cost Comparison Across Various States

Here is a detailed comparison of gas costs across different states, considering various household types and seasons. This table offers a comprehensive view of utility expenses.

State People Household Type Season Appliances Gas Monthly Bill
New York 3 Townhouse Summer Water heater, Stove, Oven


Florida 2 Studio Summer Water heater, Stove, Oven


Vermont 4 Single-family small Winter Gas heating, Dryer, Oven


Texas 3 Townhouse Winter Gas heating, Dryer, Oven


Illinois 3 Single-family small Summer Water heater, Stove, Oven


South Carolina 4 Single-family large Summer Water heater, Stove, Oven


Michigan 2 Studio Winter Gas heating, Dryer, Oven


This comparison table offers a broad perspective on how gas costs vary across different states and household setups, helping you make more informed decisions about your energy usage.

For a detailed and personalized utility expense estimate, explore our Gas Bill Calculator. Customize the parameters to fit your household specifics and get an accurate estimate tailored to your needs.

Average Water Bill in Wisconsin

Water and sewer costs are an essential part of household expenses, especially for those planning to buy a home or invest in Wisconsin. In 2025, the average water and sewer bill in Wisconsin is $48.00. Thanks to the state’s abundant freshwater resources and municipal management, these costs remain balanced compared to national averages.

Comparison with Other States

To see how Wisconsin’s water and sewer fees compare regionally, here’s a look at similar costs across eight neighboring states:

State Average Water and Sewer Fees
Minnesota $48.00
Illinois $46.00
Iowa $49.00
Michigan $49.00
Indiana $51.00
Ohio $57.00
Missouri $59.00
Kentucky $69.00

Wisconsin’s water costs remain competitive, especially when compared to Illinois and Michigan, where urban infrastructure and higher demand drive up rates.

Seasonal Water Management Tips

Wisconsin’s changing seasons can impact household water usage. Here are some strategies to reduce costs year-round:

  • Winter: Insulate pipes to prevent freezing and expensive repairs.
  • Summer: Water your lawn early or late in the day to reduce evaporation and conserve water.
  • Spring: Inspect plumbing for leaks that may have developed over the winter.
  • Autumn: Clear gutters and downspouts to avoid drainage issues during heavy rains.

Local Water Conservation Programs

Wisconsin offers several initiatives to help residents lower water expenses. Rebates for rain barrels, high-efficiency irrigation systems, and water-saving appliances provide opportunities for cost savings while promoting conservation.

Environmental Considerations

Wisconsin takes pride in protecting its freshwater resources, ensuring high-quality drinking water for residents. By participating in conservation programs, homeowners can both cut costs and contribute to the long-term sustainability of local water systems.

Final Thoughts

With affordable water rates, seasonal water-saving strategies, and conservation incentives, Wisconsin offers a cost-effective and environmentally responsible choice for homeowners. Understanding your utility costs helps you budget smarter and make informed real estate decisions.

Garbage/Trash Removal Costs in Wisconsin

Garbage and trash removal services are an essential part of household utility expenses in Wisconsin. In 2025, the average cost for garbage and trash removal services in Wisconsin is $24.00. These costs can vary based on factors such as service provider, frequency of pick-ups, and whether recycling services are included.

Wisconsin employs a mix of urban and rural waste management solutions, with cities like Milwaukee and Madison offering structured municipal services, while smaller towns may rely on private haulers. Additionally, the state promotes recycling and sustainability programs that can influence overall garbage removal costs.

Garbage/Trash Removal Costs Comparison Across States

How does Wisconsin compare to other states in terms of waste removal expenses? Below is a comparison of average costs across different states:

  • Minnesota: $27.00
  • Iowa: $25.00
  • Illinois: $29.00
  • Michigan: $28.00
  • Indiana: $21.00
  • Ohio: $26.00
  • Pennsylvania: $28.00
  • New York: $35.00
  • Massachusetts: $33.00
  • New Jersey: $34.00

Wisconsin’s trash removal costs remain moderate compared to states like New York and Massachusetts, where denser urban populations and extensive waste management regulations lead to higher prices.

Understanding these costs allows homeowners to make informed budgeting decisions. If you need more insights or assistance with reducing your utility expenses in Wisconsin, our team is always available to help.

Internet and Cable TV Expenses in Wisconsin

Internet and cable TV services are vital for work, entertainment, and communication. In 2025, the average cost of internet and cable TV in Wisconsin is $113.66. However, prices can vary significantly depending on location, service provider, and the type of plan selected.

Wisconsin offers a diverse selection of internet and cable TV providers, ensuring that residents have multiple options to choose from. This competitive market helps keep costs balanced while maintaining quality service.

Internet and Cable TV Provider Comparison

Below is a breakdown of pricing from major providers in Wisconsin:

Provider Internet Price Cable TV Price Bundle Price
Comcast $59.99 $70.99 $114.99
Verizon $60.99 $71.99 $121.99
AT&T $55.99 $66.99 $103.99

With a range of providers offering different plans, it’s essential to compare services to find the best option that suits your budget and needs.

How Wisconsin Compares to Other States

For a broader perspective, here’s how Wisconsin’s internet and cable TV costs compare with neighboring states:

  • Minnesota: $111.66
  • Iowa: $114.66
  • Illinois: $110.66
  • Michigan: $112.66
  • Indiana: $109.66
  • Ohio: $112.66
  • Missouri: $113.66
  • Kentucky: $112.66

Wisconsin’s internet and cable TV costs remain competitive compared to states like Illinois and Minnesota, where higher demand and infrastructure costs can drive up prices. This makes it important to shop around and explore different providers for the best deals.

To secure the best rates on internet and cable TV services, our team always recommends comparing providers, checking for promotional bundles, and evaluating service quality. Staying informed ensures that you get the best value for your money. 🌐📺

Home Phone and Mobile Phone Costs in Wisconsin

Reliable phone service is an essential part of modern living, whether for staying connected at home or on the go. In 2025, the average home phone and mobile phone cost in Wisconsin is 65.66. However, prices can vary based on location, service provider, and the type of plan selected.

Wisconsin has a competitive telecommunications market, offering residents multiple service providers to choose from. This variety helps keep costs balanced while ensuring good service quality.

Home and Mobile Phone Provider Comparison

Below is a breakdown of pricing from major phone providers in Wisconsin:

Provider Mobile Phone Price Home Phone Price
Verizon $70.99 $37.99
AT&T $65.99 $30.99
T-Mobile $59.99 Doesn’t provide

With a variety of plans available, selecting the right provider depends on factors like coverage, data limits, and additional perks such as family plans or bundled discounts.

How Wisconsin Compares to Other States

To offer more context, here’s how Wisconsin’s phone costs compare with neighboring states:

  • Minnesota: 64.66
  • Iowa: 66.66
  • Illinois: 64.66
  • Michigan: 68.32
  • Indiana: 65.66
  • Ohio: 66.66
  • Missouri: 66.66
  • Kentucky: 68.32

Wisconsin’s phone costs remain moderate compared to states like Illinois and Michigan, where infrastructure costs and urban density contribute to higher pricing. By exploring different providers and plans, residents can find the best value for their needs.

Maximizing Savings on Phone Services

To get the most from your phone plan while keeping costs in check, consider the following tips:

  • Compare Plans Regularly: Providers frequently update their offerings, so check for better rates and promotional deals.
  • Consider Family or Group Plans: Bundling multiple lines can lead to significant savings.
  • Look for Bundled Discounts: Some providers offer savings when combining home and mobile phone services.
  • Assess Data and Usage Needs: Avoid overpaying for data you don’t use or getting hit with fees for exceeding your plan.

Final Thoughts

With a range of service providers and plans, Wisconsin residents have options to manage their home and mobile phone expenses effectively. Regularly comparing different providers and staying updated on new promotions can help you secure the best rates and maximize savings. Our team updates this article frequently with the latest pricing and trends, so be sure to check back for the most current insights. 📞📱


Q: 💡 What is the average monthly electric bill in Wisconsin in 2025?
A: The average monthly electric bill for Wisconsinites in 2025 is approximately {averageAmountForElectricityBillInStatestate=WI}.

Q: 🔥 What is the average monthly gas bill for Wisconsinites in 2025?
A: The average monthly gas bill for Wisconsinites in 2025 stands at approximately {averageAmountForGasBillInStatestate=WI}.

Q: 🚰 What is the average monthly water and sewer bill in Wisconsin in 2025?
A: The average monthly water and sewer bill in Wisconsin in 2025 is around {averageAmountForWaterAndSewerstate=WI}.

Q: 🗑️ What is the average monthly garbage and trash removal cost in Wisconsin in 2025?
A: The average monthly garbage and trash removal cost in Wisconsin in 2025 is about {averageAmountForGarbageAndTrashRemovalstate=WI}.

Q: 📡 What is the average monthly internet and cable TV bill in Wisconsin in 2025?
A: The average monthly internet and cable TV bill in Wisconsin in 2025 is approximately {averageAmountForInternetAndCableInStatestate=WI}.

Q: 📱 What is the average monthly home and mobile phone bill in Wisconsin in 2025?
A: The average monthly home and mobile phone bill in Wisconsin in 2025 is around {averageAmountForMobilePhoneInStatestate=WI}.

Q: 🧾 What is the total average monthly cost of utilities in Wisconsin in 2025?
A: The total average monthly cost of utilities in Wisconsin in 2025 is approximately $553.96.

Author – Stan Huxley

Hi, I’m Stan Huxley—a real estate data enthusiast since 2002. I’m passionate about turning complex real estate statistics into simple, actionable insights. My goal is to help you make smarter decisions, whether you’re buying your first home, investing, or just curious about market trends. Let’s make real estate data work for you!

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