Average Cost of Utilities in Delaware (Updated for 2024)

Firstly, it is crucial to note that the average cost of utilities in Delaware is an essential factor to consider for homeowners and renters alike. In 2024, the estimated average cost of utilities in Delaware per month is $460. Comparatively, this average cost is slightly higher than the previous year’s average, which was $370 per month. However, it is important to keep in mind that the cost of utilities can fluctuate due to various factors, such as weather conditions and changes in energy prices. Nonetheless, it is essential to budget for these expenses to avoid any financial burden in the long run.

Average electric bill in Delaware

In Delaware, the arrival of summer 2024 signifies a season where the average electric bill climbs to $106.43. As the smallest state bathes in the warmth of longer days, air conditioning 🌬️ becomes an indispensable ally for residents seeking relief from the humid, coastal climate.

We turn our focus to a Delaware household of three, snug in a townhouse, where the air conditioner, refrigerator, and washing machine are pivotal for summer comfort. This particular scenario allows us to juxtapose Delaware’s energy consumption with Maryland, a neighbor with a similar embrace of the Atlantic breeze yet distinct energy use patterns.

Delaware vs. Maryland: A Summer Energy Comparison

Total Consumption (kWh)670.23 kWh
Electricity Rate (cents/kWh)15.88 ¢/kWh16.65 ¢/kWh
Estimated Monthly Cost$106.43$111.59
Detailed Cost Breakdown
Base Usage: 265.23 kWh $42.12 $44.16
Refrigerator: 120 kWh$19.06$19.98
Air Conditioner: 240 kWh$38.11$39.96
Washing Machine: 45 kWh$7.15$7.49
Delaware estimated monthly cost is lower than Maryland by 4.62%.

This comparative dive sheds light on how each state’s households navigate the peak energy demands of summer, offering a peek into the broader implications of regional energy consumption and costs.

Tracing the Summer Energy Trends

Charting the course of summer electric bills in Delaware against Maryland, we unfold the narrative of energy expenditure over recent summers. This visual exploration illuminates the external influences that shape the energy landscape, from fluctuating energy prices to evolving household energy efficiency.

Curious about how your Delaware home’s summer energy costs measure up? With our electricity bill calculator’s latest data, assess your situation against the Delaware average or explore how your bills compare to those in neighboring states like New Jersey. Begin your journey towards smarter energy use and uncover opportunities for savings today.

Average gas bill in Delaware

As of 2024, Delaware residents face an average monthly gas bill of $80, showcasing a slight increase compared to previous years. In 2023, the average was $75, and in 2022, it stood at $70. While these figures indicate a modest rise, it’s crucial to delve into the factors contributing to these changes. The following table provides a concise overview of the average gas bills for the past three years:

Year Average Monthly Gas Bill
2024 $80
2023 $75
2022 $70

Key Factors Impacting Gas Bills:

  1. Market Rates: Fluctuations in gas market rates can directly influence monthly costs.
  2. Heating Needs: Seasonal variations in temperature may impact gas consumption for heating.
  3. Appliance Usage: Changes in the use of gas-powered appliances contribute to billing differences.

Tips for Managing Gas Expenses:

  • 🌡️ Thermostat Control: Adjust thermostats for energy-efficient heating during colder months.
  • 🚿 Water Heater Maintenance: Regular maintenance ensures gas water heaters operate efficiently.

Understanding the nuances of average gas bills empowers residents to navigate costs effectively and implement strategies for potential savings.

Average Heating costs in Delaware

As of 2024, when it comes to heating costs in Delaware, residents are experiencing an average monthly expenditure of around $120, reflecting a modest increase from previous years. In 2023, the average monthly heating cost was $115, and in 2022, it was $110. These figures highlight a gradual upward trend, prompting a closer examination of the factors shaping these changes. Here’s a breakdown in tabular form for a clearer perspective:

Year Average Monthly Heating Cost
2024 $120
2023 $115
2022 $110

Factors Influencing Heating Costs:

Fuel Prices: Fluctuations in oil and propane prices contribute significantly to variations in heating costs.
Energy-Efficient Systems: Residents investing in modern, energy-efficient heating systems may experience lower monthly bills.

Insulation Practices: Well-insulated homes retain heat more effectively, impacting overall heating expenses.

Average Costs for Heating Using Oil or Propane:

Fuel Type Average Cost per Month
Oil $130
Propane $120

Common Heating Practices in the State:

Given Delaware’s seasonal climate, heating practices often revolve around central heating systems, with oil and propane being common fuel choices. Many households use energy-efficient heat pumps or traditional furnaces. Additionally, proper insulation and weatherization play a crucial role in maintaining comfortable temperatures during colder months.

Understanding the trends in average heating costs, coupled with insights into fuel-specific expenses and common heating practices, empowers residents to make informed decisions about their heating systems and potentially reduce their monthly heating expenses.

Average Water and Sewer Fees in Delaware

As of 2024, Delaware residents are contending with an average monthly expenditure of approximately $60 for water and sewer services, indicating a gradual increase from previous years. In 2023, the average monthly fee settled at $55, while in 2022, it was $50. These figures illustrate a steady upward trend, prompting a closer examination of the factors influencing these changes. Here’s a breakdown in tabular form for a comprehensive overview:

Year Average Monthly Water and Sewer Fees
2024 $60
2023 $55
2022 $50

Factors Influencing Water and Sewer Fees:

🔧 Infrastructure Maintenance: Ongoing upkeep and enhancements to water and sewer systems contribute to fee adjustments.
🚿 Conservation Initiatives: Efforts to promote water conservation may impact the pricing structure.
📈 Population Growth: Increasing demand due to population growth can influence overall service costs.

Unique Considerations for Water Usage in Delaware:

Here’s a list of organized considerations:

  • 💧 Water-Efficient Appliances: Delaware promotes the use of water-efficient appliances to reduce consumption.
  • 🌧️ Rain Barrels: Residents are encouraged to utilize rain barrels for outdoor watering, supporting conservation efforts.
  • 🚰 Prompt Leak Repairs: Emphasis is placed on promptly fixing leaks to minimize water wastage.
  • 🔄 Participation in Programs: Delawareans are urged to actively participate in water conservation programs to contribute to the preservation of this vital resource.

Understanding the trends in average water and sewer fees, coupled with these organized considerations for water usage in Delaware, empowers residents to make informed decisions about their water consumption and potentially reduce their monthly water and sewer expenses.

Garbage/Trash Removal Costs in Delaware

As of 2024, Delaware residents are managing an average monthly expense of approximately $25 for garbage or trash removal services, marking a steady yet reasonable expenditure. In 2023, the average monthly cost was $20, while in 2022, it stood at $15. These figures reflect a gradual increase, prompting a closer examination of the factors influencing these changes. Here’s a breakdown in tabular form for a comprehensive overview:

Year Average Monthly Garbage/Trash Removal Costs
2024 $25
2023 $20
2022 $15

Factors Influencing Garbage/Trash Removal Costs:

🚚 Service Enhancements: Continuous improvements and upgrades to garbage removal services contribute to cost adjustments.
🔄 Recycling Initiatives: The integration of recycling programs may impact overall waste management costs.
📉 Landfill Fees: Changes in landfill fees can influence the pricing structure for trash removal.

Waste Management Programs in the State:

Delaware actively engages in waste management programs to promote sustainability:

  1. ♻️ Recycling Programs: The state encourages residents to participate in comprehensive recycling programs to reduce landfill waste.
  2. 🌱 Composting Initiatives: Efforts to promote composting aid in diverting organic waste from landfills.
  3. 🌍 Community Clean-Up Events: Delawareans are encouraged to take part in community clean-up events to foster a cleaner and greener environment.

Understanding the trends in average garbage/trash removal costs, coupled with these waste management programs in Delaware, empowers residents to make informed decisions about waste disposal, contributing to a more sustainable and environmentally conscious community.

Internet and Cable TV Expenses in Delaware

As of 2024, Delaware residents are managing an average monthly expense of approximately $80 for internet and cable TV services, reflecting a standard yet reasonable cost. In 2023, the average monthly expense was $75, while in 2022, it stood at $70. These figures depict a gradual increase, prompting a closer examination of the factors influencing these changes. Here’s a breakdown in tabular form for a comprehensive overview:

Year Average Monthly Internet and Cable TV Expenses
2024 $80
2023 $75
2022 $70

Factors Influencing Internet and Cable TV Expenses:

📶 Service Enhancements: Ongoing improvements and upgrades to internet and cable TV services contribute to cost adjustments.
💻 Technology Upgrades: The adoption of advanced technologies may impact overall service costs.
📺 Package Offerings: Changes in available packages and channel lineups can influence pricing structures.

Popular Providers in Delaware:

Delaware residents have access to a variety of internet and cable TV services, with some of the popular providers being:

  1. 🌐 Comcast Xfinity: Known for its high-speed internet and a range of cable TV packages.
  2. 🚀 Verizon Fios: Offering fiber-optic internet and comprehensive cable TV services.
  3. 🛰️ DISH Network: A satellite TV provider with diverse channel offerings.

Understanding the trends in average internet and cable TV expenses, along with information on popular providers in Delaware, empowers residents to make informed decisions about their entertainment and connectivity needs.

Home Phone and Mobile Phone Costs in Delaware

As of 2024, Delaware residents are managing an average monthly expense of approximately $30 for home phone services and $60 for mobile phone plans, representing a standard yet reasonable cost for communication services. In 2023, the average monthly expense for home phone services was $25, while mobile phone plans cost around $55. In 2022, home phone services averaged $20, and mobile phone plans stood at $50. These figures depict a gradual increase, prompting a closer examination of the factors influencing these changes. Here’s a breakdown in tabular form for a comprehensive overview:

Year Average Monthly Home Phone Costs Average Monthly Mobile Phone Plan Costs
2024 $30 $60
2023 $25 $55
2022 $20 $50

Factors Influencing Home Phone and Mobile Phone Costs:

📞 Service Enhancements: Ongoing improvements and upgrades to home phone services and mobile phone plans contribute to cost adjustments.
📱 Technology Upgrades: The adoption of advanced mobile technologies may impact overall plan costs.
🔄 Plan Offerings: Changes in available home phone and mobile plans, including data allowances and features, can influence pricing structures.

Understanding the trends in average home phone and mobile phone costs empowers residents to make informed decisions about their communication needs, balancing both traditional and mobile services.


In conclusion, this exploration of Delaware’s utility landscape underscores the vital need to consider utility costs when budgeting. Beyond the numbers, effective management of these expenses is a key step toward financial resilience and sustainability.

As an author, my perspective emphasizes the power individuals have in making informed choices that align with economic prudence and environmental consciousness. Optimizing energy use, adopting cost-effective plans, and participating in conservation efforts are practical steps towards both financial well-being and responsible living. Integrating utility costs into your budget is not just a financial strategy; it’s a contribution to a more mindful and sustainable world


Q: 💡 What is the average cost of electricity in Delaware in 2024?
A: As of 2024, the average monthly electricity bill in Delaware stands at $106.43

Q: 🚿 How about water and sewer fees in Delaware for 2024?
A: Residents are managing an average monthly expense of around $60 for water and sewer services in 2024.

Q: 🗑️ What are the garbage/trash removal costs in Delaware this year?
A: As of 2024, the average monthly cost for garbage/trash removal services is approximately $25.

Q: 📞 What are the expenses for home phone services and mobile phone plans in Delaware in 2024?
A: Residents face an average monthly expense of $30 for home phone services and $60 for mobile phone plans in 2024.

Q: 🌐 What are the average internet and cable TV expenses in Delaware for 2024?
A: Internet and cable TV expenses average around $80 per month in 2024.

Q: 🌍 How do these utility costs compare to neighboring states?
A: Delaware’s utility costs remain competitive, with figures generally lower than neighboring states like Maryland and New Jersey. For instance, electricity bills in Delaware are at $120, while Maryland and New Jersey see averages of $145 and $140, respectively.

Q: 💰 What’s the importance of considering utility costs when budgeting?
A: Effective budgeting for utilities ensures financial stability and aligns with sustainability goals. Residents are encouraged to optimize energy usage, adopt cost-effective plans, and engage in conservation initiatives to contribute to a more mindful and sustainable lifestyle.



Author – Stan Huxley

Passionate about real estate, Stan Huxley brings a wealth of experience to our articles. With a lifelong career in the industry, Stan’s insights, tips, and expert advice empower readers to navigate the world of real estate confidently. Whether you’re a homebuyer, seller, or investor, Stan is your trusted guide to making informed decisions.

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